Your healthiest, most attractive smile can come through sedation dentistry in Indianapolis
Dental anxieties are as diverse as the people who have them. This fear can affect one person in an entirely different way than another. Although the actual aspects of dental care that cause fear may differ, there seems to be a common thread that follows most patients: a traumatic experience in the dental office. It doesn’t matter if poor dental care occurs during childhood or once you have grown up. A traumatic experience can leave you feeling as though you could simply avoid seeing the dentist ever again. These experiences also do not have to be significant. Maybe you worked with a dentist who injured a tooth, or who you felt didn’t listen to your needs. Perhaps you have long held a fear of needles, or you simply find the sounds of the dental office distressing.
The various reasons for dental anxiety often cause people to avoid seeing their dentist. This leads to a secondary reason for further dental anxiety – embarrassment over the condition of teeth and gums. Maybe your smile seems to be fine, but you know you will have to disclose to your dentist how long it has been since your last check-up. No one likes to admit that they aren’t doing what they have been taught from childhood. This process of fear and avoidance can continue for years. All the while, your smile is missing the level of care it needs for ultimate health.
We bring you good news. Dentistry has changed a lot in recent years. Many dentists have a far better understanding of dental anxiety, and a strong commitment to do what it takes to ensure all people feel comfortable receiving the care they need for healthy, attractive smiles. Sedation dentistry at Washington Street Dentistry in Indianapolis can help you address concerns, enhance your smile, improve your oral health, or prevent dental problems. We want those who visit our office to know that dental care does not have to be stressful. We do not admonish patients for their lack of oral care; we promote feelings of wellbeing so that we may build a lasting relationship in which your smile enjoys the benefits of excellent dental care.
Sedation dentistry is tailored to each patient. Dr. Church has extensive training and experience in sedation, and can help you feel comfortable during dental visits. Contact Washington Street Dentistry today to learn more, or to schedule your dental check-up.
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