Prepare for emergencies with dentistry items in your Indianapolis first aid kit
First aid kits can be found in most businesses and in many homes. Some people even err on the side of caution and carry a small first aid kit with them at all times. Indeed, first aid kits are necessary because emergencies can occur at any time, and the better prepared we are, the more successfully we can handle unexpected situations.

When it comes to first aid kits, most of the items included are intended for general purposes. With a few additions, it is possible to prepare for a dental emergency, as well. Having a selection of dental products in your first aid kit buys you time until professional dentistry services can be obtained from your Indianapolis dentist.
- Salt packets are excellent for the dental first aid kit. Added to warm water, a salt-water rinse can be easily mixed to aid in disinfection and swelling reduction.
- Individuals who wear braces should keep orthodontic wax handy throughout their course of treatment. This can be placed over a broken wire until treatment can be obtained.
- Denture adhesive can help even non-denture wearers! This adhesive can be used to affix a loose crown or bridge for a short time.
- Save-A-Tooth is a special product that sports enthusiasts may want for their first aid kit. If a tooth is knocked out, it can be placed into the Save-A-Tooth and brought to our office.
- A small, sterile container in the first aid kit provides transportation of a broken tooth or appliance, or a lost crown.
- Pain relieving medication can keep you comfortable as you wait for professional care.
- Clove oil or toothache medication makes a wonderful topical pain reliever. Aspirin can harm oral tissues and it should never be placed against an injury in the mouth.
- Dental emergencies require professional care. Our number, (317) 333-6788, can be written on your first aid kit where it will be easily seen.
Washington Street Dentistry provides gentle care for all of our patients. In your urgent situations, we make every effort to provide care as quickly as possible.
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