When is it time to visit your dentist in Indianapolis, IN for dentures?
If you think that dentures are just an unattractive and uncomfortable solution to tooth loss for the elderly, you might want to think again. Dentures are a standard dental restoration for many reasons, and in the hands of a dentist who considers dental restoration an art, you may find that dentures are actually an ideal solution for you.
Benefits of dentures
If you have lost any of your teeth, living without an appropriate replacement can compromise the health of the rest of your teeth and your mouth in addition to impairing your quality of life. Getting dentures or another restoration can make your smile look better, help you eat easily and chew effectively, and even improve your speech. In addition, dentures can help to keep other teeth from shifting position and certain types of dentures may even keep your gums and jawbone healthy. Though other restorations can also accomplish most of these things, dentures are usually the most affordable option and are certainly the only practical option for replacing an entire row of missing teeth.
Types of dentures
Your dentist will use either partial or complete dentures to restore your smile. If you have lost only a few teeth, partial dentures will be used, if you have lost all of your teeth, a complete denture will likely be the solution. However, there are many types of dentures even within these categories. You may have an immediate denture placed as soon as your teeth are removed, or you may wait and have a conventional denture fitted later. Both partial dentures and complete dentures can be anchored in place by implants for a more stable restoration, but even without implants, most modern dentures are crafted to uniquely fit your smile to maximize your comfort.
It might be time to consider dentures for the benefit of your whole smile if you have lost teeth and need an affordable restoration. The dentist at Washington Street Dentistry in Indianapolis, IN can help you find the most suitable denture to ensure that you have a high quality, comfortable restoration.
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